Quality and Safety

“Start Safe, Work Safe, Finish Safe.”

At Omicelo Health, we care about your safety in a number of ways.


Our team of professionals can perform a safety inspection of your house to spot possible dangers. Whether you need modifications in your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, stairs, entryways, or outside, we’ll identify the potential places that need repairs or upgrades.

Total Team Commitment

When it comes time for the construction work — whether it’s grab bars, wheelchair ramps, vanity height adjustments, or other modifications — our entire team is committed to safety.

Safe and Comfortable In-home Visits

Beyond the physical construction work, the Omicelo team strives to ensure your comfort and safety. We will be respectful, careful, and mindful of your needs while you allow us into your home.

Quality Control

We’ve incorporated a series of quality control protocols to ensure that your project is completed in a professional manner with your safety in mind.

Omicelo Health Cares About You

Our motto at Omicelo is “Start Safe, Work Safe, Finish Safe.” And we mean it. We’re dedicated to keeping you mobile in your home so you’re free to function and enjoy life to the fullest.

You have a lot of options for increasing the safety of your home. As more people choose to stay in their homes as they age, Omicelo Health can help by finding creative solutions that maintain your mobility and independence with confidence.

If you have any questions, please ask. We’re always happy to talk with you and we genuinely care about your peace of mind.